Health Benefits Of The Summer’S Super-Fruit And Cherry Juice -
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We are in the peak of summer and it is hard to resist the miserable temperature. Though it is hard to keep up with the heat, there are certain things that we shouldn’t miss during this hot season. Mangoes are available in plenty during summer. These fresh, fleshy, juicy mangoes have various health benefits. Mangoes help us combat with high fat diets and obesity. It also has the potential to reduce the growth rate of breast cancer cells.

                             Another tip is, adding a glass of cherry juice to your daily meal might help you reduce your blood pressure levels. These plump cherries are linked with a wide realm of health benefits such as lowering osteoarthritis symptoms, inducing deep sleep helping reduce weight and also for kidney stone ailments.

                              A number of research studies have proved that people with high blood pressure levels are likely to have heart related diseases. A research team from Northumbria University has identified a 7% decrease in blood pressure level in 3 hours in men who had early symptoms of hypertension. Scientists believe that this effect of cherry juice is due to the combined effect of the plant components within the juice resulting in the positive effect over vascular function.

                            Another study in 2014 has revealed that consuming tart cherry juice can assuage gout pain because of its effect on uric acid metabolism. Again a study from North Umbria University was done to determine the uric acid levels in blood and urine. The research was conducted over 12 individuals. They found that the uric acid level in blood was decreased whereas on the other hand its level in urine was increased. This proves the ability of cherry juice to extract the excess of harmful acids in our body.Enjoy this summer and stay healthy. Know More about Elder Health Care Services.

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