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Checkout All that you Need to Know on Elder Health Care, Assisted Living, Old Age Homes, Elder Communities – Right Here!

Posted by:   |  Jan 18, 2017

Elder care is about comfort in the old age. Comfort is not defined by comfortable living, wealth, good health etc., but about meeting needs. At an age, when one needs to sit, relax and enjoy the natural ageing, many find it difficult to cope with the day to day challenges. Not about health. Not about money. But about basic needs that could be better met with, by or through a caring individual. This is a challenge that confronts most households with elders whose care givers are either out of the country, or are not able to give in that required support, due to ...  
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Posted by:   |  Jul 22, 2016

Gone are the days when elderly care meant making them sit in groups and watch television. They would watch shows and it will be a constant battle between them to decide what to. Today, it has evolved so much like any other industry or sector. Nursing homes or senior citizen homes offer a variety of activities to keep them engaged and interested. These activities are also aligned with their personal interest so that they are keen on taking part in them. This helps to keep their mind and body healthy and active. These ac...  
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Posted by:   |  Jul 15, 2016

In today's world, medical insurance is very important for everyone. Especially for senior citizens, it is a necessity to have a health insurance plan. The charge for all treatment and therapy is increasing each year and without a medical insurance plan, it is very difficult to cover the costs. Sadly, almost 75% of Indian people pay money from their own pocket for medical treatment. In recent years, it has been estimated that many companies have stopped offering medical coverage for the guardians of the employees. This has made health insurance for senior citizens ...  
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Posted by:   |  Jun 24, 2016

Having pets can make any human feel better and good. This is the primary driving force for many people to get pets for themselves and their loved ones. Anyone who has ever been with a loyal dog or cat would testimony, how much happiness it gave them. Now science has proved that, a mere fifteen minutes of bonding with any pet, sets of a chemical chain reaction in the brain. This boosts up the feel good hormone (serotonin) by lowering the cortisol level. This has been proved to lower the blood pressure, stress levels as well as the heart rate. If fifteen minutes with a pet can bring this change, imagine ho...  
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Posted by:   |  Jun 19, 2016

A Father is a man we look up to, no matter how tall we grow” A Dad is our first hero and the man whom we always look up to for inspiration. Though dads do not take part in and each every daily routine, it is their presence and constant support that serves as a life-long inspiration for all of us.

Gift Hunting for Dad Unlike moms who are relatively easier to shop for, shopping for dads is a daunting task. This is because other than the occasional gadgets and ties, dads rarely spurge on themselves. So what better occasion than Father’s Day to celebrate this selfless man in our lives? With Father’s...  
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Posted by:   |  Jun 10, 2016

For many people, summer is a time of travel, relaxation or fun. Kids are on break and it’s time to drive across the country to visit relatives, host a party or tan on the sun bed of some exotic beach. For seniors, the combination of sun and heat is a dangerous one if precautions aren’t followed. Older people are more prone to the risks of heat-related illnesses because of their inability to conserve water in their bodies. With an increased rate in dehydration which also lowers the body’s ability to sustain a healthy temperature, seniors face a greater risk of heat stroke or sunburn.

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Posted by:   |  May 26, 2016

Food is the vital part of healthy living. Seniors have to focus on healthy diet for better immunity, energy, and memory. It is important to prepare a diet chart for seniors to ensure their long and strong life. To optimize your health and promote an active lifestyle for years it is best to stick to healthy eating for seniors. Many foods are off limit for seniors because of their high bacteria content or potential for food poisoning. These type of foods can be a compromise for elders. Seniors who want to stay healthy have to stay away from unhealthy eating habits.

Foods to avoid for seniors

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Posted by:   |  May 10, 2016

We are in the peak of summer and it is hard to resist the miserable temperature. Though it is hard to keep up with the heat, there are certain things that we shouldn’t miss during this hot season. Mangoes are available in plenty during summer. These fresh, fleshy, juicy mangoes have various health benefits. Mangoes help us combat with high fat diets and obesity. It also has the potential to reduce the growth rate of breast cancer cells.

                             Another tip is, adding a glass o...  
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